Saturday, October 1, 2011

Celebrate October 4th National Golf Day With New Golf Shoes

Pin It Yes, October 4th is National Golf Day. How will you celebrate National Golf Day? If you didn't know this day existed, here's a little background.

National Golf Day is sponsored by the PGA. As noted on the website, Care 2 Petition , the golf industry provides jobs to over 2 million people in the US, with a total wage income of $61 billion and raises approximately $3.5 BILLION for charitable causes every year.

On National Golf Day, professional PGA members are encouraged to play golf with contributors. Of course, the proceeds earned at these events around the country, goes towards a wide range of charitable events.

In honor of this day, why not celebrate October 4th National Golf Day with new golf shoes

1 comment:

Ladies Golf Shoes said...

The National Golf day is not about playing just game but real purpose was behind that to give admiration to industry leaders Jerry Trade and Robert Carney who made prices effort in growth of this game and its impact and importance on society.